I love sleep. Love it. Adore it.
Due to this, I am not necessarily what you could call a morning person. I'm more of a hit-the-snooze-button-as-many-times-as-I-can-get-away-with-it person.
However, there are many scriptures which reference awaking bright and early and getting a productive jump on the day, including Proverbs 31:15. In this verse, the woman awakes and makes sure her family and their help are taken care of before the rest of her day begins.
I can't say that's been my strength. I rarely wake up in time for me to eat before I go to work, let alone fix breakfast for my husband. I don't have "maidens", but I wouldn't be awake to fix them breakfast even if I did.
If I could get disciplined about getting my behind out of bed, there is so much I could get done before I even got to work. I could exercise. I could fix my husband breakfast and maybe even iron his clothes for the day. I could pray and read my bible and spend time with the Lord. There are a world of possibilities - if I would just get up!
I guess that's something to work on!
While I'm working on that, I hope everyone has an enjoyable 4th of July!
Oh Vanessa! What a wonderful and humble post. First, thank you for stopping by my blog. Also, be encouraged. My husband and I made an agreement for him to wake up earlier along with me which gave us both more time to get things done. It is an adjustment, (and with summers off and a newborn we haven't stuck with it) but when he is working it is such a lifesaver. God will surely bless your intention! (Check out the Girl Talk blog and their 5am club)